Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Face of My Progress

Wanna know something that's a big deal to me? It may not seem big if you don't understand the way Dermatillomania impacts those who have it, and if you don't understand Derma in that way, I highly suggest reading about it. My big deal today is that I have a giant zit on my forehead. It's been there for two days, and I haven't touched it. The same thing happened about two weeks ago with another large, sore breakout. Yes it bothers me. Yes it hurts. But I know it would hurt me more to try and "fix" a very natural process of my body. And somehow, I've been able to run with those positive thoughts. The lesson I am learning from this is that if you think something enough times, you can put it into practice. All of the time I've spent on this blog and all of the talk I've talked about letting mother nature do her thing and knowing I shouldn't bother my skin is paying off lately. If you understand Dermatillomania enough, you will also understand what kind of inner peace and progress my skin is reflecting in the picture below.

I may have mentioned this before, but something that really helped me get to where I am right now is a comment my ex made about my picking. Now, normally, nothing that anyone who isn't a sufferer has to say about my picking really helps. Usually, it just embarrasses me and makes me want to hide my skin from them. But what he had to say really did help. He basically introduced the unimaginable idea that picking wasn't healthy! But rather than saying "just quit it" or making some impossible demand, he explained that squeezing a blackhead or pimple was acceptable when said blemish was ready, but that if you did it too soon, it would just make it worse. For me, this internalized the concept that I didn't have to never ever ever touch my skin again...I just had to wait until it was ready to be touched and do it the right way. No tools. No aggression. No panic. Just a calm, peaceful squeeze when my skin showed me that it was ready for my help.

I hope that by sharing this little tidbit, others will come to experience the progress I have.
And I sincerely plan on keeping things headed in this positive direction.

I am healing.

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