Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Fan Club of One

They say "Treat others the way you want to be treated", but I feel that there is just as much value in the phrase "Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you".

You have the power to be exactly where you want to be.

You just have to find that power within.
Sometimes the power is in accepting that things are the way they were meant to be, and appreciating that for what it is.

Other times, the power is in seeing where change is needing, and using your inner strength to resolve the discomfort.

You are the most important element in your own support.

It doesn't matter who, or how many are on your side if you are not among them.

You are the foundation for your house of a life, and without you, nothing stands.

Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Heal yourself. Change yourself. And cheer yourself on for trying. For waking up each morning and making the effort to get through the hardest of days and make the changes you're trying to make.

Each person needs a fan club- a fan club of one, where they act as their own cheerleader.

Because what good are a thousand people cheering you on if you don't even have your own back?

So today, I'm going to toot my own horn, and cheer myself on, and hopefully encourage anyone who is reading to do the same.


I'm going to stop trying to love myself. Because I don't have to try. Love is an effortless emotion. The effort comes in maintaining the outer love. In my opinion, commitment and treatment are outward expressions of love. I may very well love myself inside, but I need to commit to myself. And I need to treat myself like I love myself before I ask anyone else to commit or treat me a certain way, and before I try to do that for anyone else. That's something wonderful a loved one helped me learn.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.

Another loved one made the the above picture as a surprise to cheer me up a couple years ago. I revisited that picture specifically for this blog, because it speaks volumes to me today. I vow to love my Laura the way she deserves to be loved. Because he didn't. And because I've failed to also. And I hope you will love your Kate, Nate, Jack, Jane, or Jill the way they deserve too.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.


I have to forgive myself before I can forgive anyone else, or expect anyone else to forgive me. Se;f-forgiveness is one of the hardest things in the world. But if you can't find it in you to let go, you will weigh yourself down from the future you desire. I will let go.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.


Internal repairs are a personal thing no one can fix for you. And I have cut myself open many a time trying to help fix others who are broken. Mine are the only pieces I know how to place and glue back together.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.


Change begins within. Change is up to you. Keep near those who have supported and loved you and enriched your life, but more importantly, be someone who loves and supports you and enrich your own life.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.

Have the courage to stand up and say "I deserve better, and damn it, I'm going to let better into my heart!" It's hard to let go of things we are attached to, even when they have let us down and let us know that we are no longer in need of that element in our lives. Like picking. Like friends who use us. Like bad habits. It's not easy to let go, even if it's the answer. And I will let go.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.

I don't want the wilted, leftover flowers from a bouquet of sorrow. I want a garden that flourishes. And I have to tend to it.

(The above photo is a variety of rose referred to as "Candy Cane", which is my Grandfather's special rose for me.)

I will heal.

And I'm doing a wonderful job. And I am strong for trying. And I will keep going.
And you're doing a wonderful job. And you are strong for trying. And you will keep going.

(I like this video better when I mute it and play my favorite song to it instead, but the words are the most important.)

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