Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sticks and Stones part II: Positivity

A while back I made a list of some things people had said to me that had hurt me and effected me. And I mentioned in the post that I planned to follow up a post on the positive things people had said to me that really uplifted me and stayed in my mind. Never underestimate the power of kind and honest words- either towards others, or from others. The following are words that have really lifted my spirits at some point in my life, and potentially yours too:

"You are important"

"You have beautiful skin"

"I love your hugs"

"You have a beautiful smile"

"I hope your heart starts to feel it's best again soon"

"I love your writing"

"You have a beautiful voice"
"You are going to go far"
"You don’t dress a pretty girl in rags; take good care of yourself"

"I’m sorry"

"I love you"

"I’m amazed at how well you bounce back"
"You’re a smart girl with a good head on your shoulders"

"You're not another notch on my belt- you're a notch on my heart"
My then boyfriend pulls my hair back from my bleeding face and says: "Look at you, look how beautiful you are. You don't need to pick."

"Wow, was that really you singing?"

"You have good taste in music"

"I can tell you’re beautiful on the inside too"

The words that flatter me and lift me up are the ones that let me know I'm headed toward something I aspire to. I want to be a strong, beautiful, happy woman who bounces back from turmoil. I want to be a good singer and an inspiring writer. I want to be loved, and I want people to be sorry when they hurt me. I want to be important and valued. As I'm sure we all do.

What do you aspire to be? To do? Do the people in your life ever remind you that you are on the right path? Do they support you? If not, perhaps it's time to surround yourself with new people who will be uplifting and supportive in your life. Maybe I need to surround myself with more of the people whose words are on this list again. And maybe I need to tell others that they are simply welcome to be a part of my life when they can be a more positive part of it. I personally find that the more positivity I feel in my life, the less picking happens...most of the time.

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