Wednesday, October 9, 2013

You Might Be A Dermatillomaniac...

If you turn a tiny skin imperfection into a bloody grand canyon to try and “fix” it….

If you shed more than five drops of blood on any given day, and sometimes shed just as many tears to go with them…

If you often hear the words “just stop that already!”, “Where did all these scars come from?”, “You know, I have this great acne remedy…”, “Did you have chicken pox?”…

If you’ve ever gotten a nasty look or comment about your sores insinuating that you were a drug addict…

If you have to clip your fingernails to keep yourself from almost uncontrollably using them as weapons against your own flesh…

If every day is a struggle...

If catching your reflection in the mirror can be like becoming suddenly possessed by an evil twin with razor sharp claws...

If someone has ever caught you bleeding because you tore your skin and didn’t notice…

If you feel safer having sex in the dark where no one can see you clear enough to notice your sores…

If you feel ashamed of your skin and dread/avoid sleeveless tops, shorts, swimsuits, or nudity…

If you wonder if you'll ever get better and if the scars will ever fade...

If you wish you could snap your fingers and heal, but instead take those fingers and scratch..

If you wonder if you'll ever look "normal" again...

If you’ve ever taken needles, scissors, bobby pins, push pins etc. to your skin to make it “better”…

If a simple breakout turns into a blood bath…

If you’ve ever lost someone because you won’t leave your skin alone…

If you wear dark clothes so tiny, random blood stains won’t show…

If you want to stop but can’t seem to…

If you feel just as torn up on the inside as the outside…

If patches of your skin look like this…

Or this…

Or worse...

If a day without a drop of blood is a gigantic victory…

If you’re crying while reading this post…


If you’ve read this, and none of it really applies to you, you at least now know what we suffer. Please have compassion.


  1. Wow!! This took my breath away... how real our struggle is and how perfectly you managed to put this into words!! ♥

  2. Thank you...I might add another part about mirrors, because that's a big factor for some of us. Thank you for reading!
